Chinese New Year Celebration

Chinese New Year Celebration

Happy Chinese New Year! Chinese New Year, also known as Lunar New Year or Spring Festival, is celebrated by an estimated 2 billion people across the globe, mainly in Asia and other regions with significant Chinese diaspora. It’s a time of renewal, family reunions, and hope for a prosperous year. The celebration lasts for 15 days, starting with the New Moon on the first day of the lunar new year and ending with the Lantern Festival, where people release lanterns into the sky, symbolizing letting go of their past selves and embracing new identities for the new year. Please join us in praying that many more Chinese people will find their new identities in Christ and receive heavenly blessings in the new year. 

Frank’s Talks on Christian Faith and Rationality

We are pleased to share that Frank recently was invited by Gospel Coffee United to give two talks on Christian rationality, sensibility, and spirituality. These well-received talks sparked meaningful discussions about the intersection of faith and reason. You can listen to the talks and discussions in Chinese. 

First talk

Second talk

New ESL Program

Agape Way now offers classes in English as a second language from the comfort of your home. All classes are done through Zoom for beginners, intermediates, and advanced students at no cost to you. Classes begin shortly after your completed application.


Online Bible Studies:

8 pm Thursday (English)

8 pm Thursday (Chinese)

Please join us via Zoom.

The Reconciliation Bible studies follow the same reading schedule developed by Frank. Please learn more about RBR on our web site.

The English Bible study will meet via Zoom on Thursdays instead of ClubHouse to make it more accessible. The online Bible studies provide a space for in-depth questions, spiritual growth and fellowship, and we welcome everyone, regardless of their familiarity with the Bible.






ESL 课程



请在您的日历上做好标记!李万兵牧师将在2月1日和2月8日的Coffee Talk上做特邀讲座。他将深入探讨理性、感性和灵性等引人入胜的话题。不要错过这个机会,从李牧师丰富的知识和经验中获得洞察力。请使用提供的链接加入我们这些富有启发性的讨论。Zoom ID: 823 649 76350 密碼: 823375

Battle for the Mind

The debate over the origin of species has raged for centuries, with philosophers and scientists largely advocating the theory of evolution in recent times. However, Christians have been unwilling to let go of the idea of creationism. From the perspective of the Christian Church as a social organization, it makes sense for the Church to attempt to regain the ideological ground concerning origin ideologies. However, if a religious belief violates basic facts and has no rational foundation, it is bound to fail. Rational thinkers should calmly and objectively observe and think about the current situation.

Many people in the Christian church believe in the young earth theory, which claims that sedimentary rocks were produced by the great flood of Noah. According to this theory, all animal fossils found in the strata were caused by Noah’s great flood after Adam and Eve had sinned. However, it is difficult to believe that all sedimentary rocks were formed in less than a year.

Theistic evolutionists have not solved the conflict between the Bible and science either. While some claim that God created all things in the universe through evolution, the first chapter of the Bible speaks ten times of God creating living things “after their kind.” This conflicts with the theory of evolution, which claims that categories can be crossed, and all species have the same universal common ancestor. Thus, it can be concluded that Christians who believe in the theory of theistic evolution have at least a discounted belief in the Bible.

Chinese Christians are divided into two camps: young earth theory and evolution theory. Some Chinese evangelists choose to avoid this controversial issue, claiming that science is not truth, and the so-called scientific truth is often denied by later generations. While it is true that today’s scientific truth may be denied by future generations, it does not mean that today’s scientific truth will definitely be denied by future generations. Copernicus’ solar center theory has been confirmed by later generations, and it is now a fact.

Followers of Young Earth Creationism deny the radioactive isotope dating method, citing doubts about decay rates and loss of radioactive elements. However, if proper procedures are followed, this method is basically reliable. The age of sedimentary rocks can also be estimated through the composition, particle size, and direction of change of sediments, combined with the study of hydrodynamics.

In conclusion, the vast majority of Christians are diluting or even dismissing the Bible, especially the first chapter of Genesis. Conservative Christians respond to the challenges of scientific development with skepticism, while liberal Christians accept evolution with ambiguity. The conflict between science and Genesis has made the Christian Church vulnerable. It is essential to seek a common ground between science and religion to prevent further dilution of the Bible.

Adapt to Natural Law

As living humans, we have bodies which serve as vehicles for our “real selves,” with our minds residing within our bodies. Our bodies function according to their own natural laws, and if our behavior does not conform to these laws, we may suffer negative consequences.

It’s important to recognize that our bodies have their own unique systems and laws of operation. For example, we need to consume food that is healthy for our bodies, as unhealthy food can be harmful. Similarly, our bodies go through a natural process of development and growth, with ups and downs that are integral to the laws of nature governing our bodies. Artificially interfering with this process can have negative effects on our health, and it’s important for parents and teachers to comfort children during these times of tension and storm.

Our gender is determined by our sex chromosomes, with XX indicating female and XY indicating male. Our sex organs and other physical characteristics are simply external manifestations of our internal sex chromosomes. We cannot change our karyotype, and trying to change our external characteristics through surgery or other means goes against the natural operation of our bodies.

Transgender thinking, which suggests that a person can choose their gender based on their personal identification rather than objective physical or physiological reality, is not in line with the laws of nature governing our bodies. Similarly, homosexual behavior is seen as unnatural and can lead to negative consequences.

It’s important to operate in accordance with the laws of nature governing our bodies, just as we operate our cars according to their designs and functions. Trying to force our bodies to function in ways that go against their natural laws can be dangerous and harmful. We should seek to understand the natural way our bodies work and operate in accordance with these laws, rather than acting on our own whims and desires.

The Art of Inaction”

The concept of “inaction” is an important aspect of Chinese culture, which emphasizes the value of not interfering with nature too much and allowing nature to take its course. This is because nature has its own laws and natural order.

As Christians, we believe in God’s creation and that our bodies function in a healthy way according to the laws set by God. Rather than trying to artificially change or manipulate nature, we should seek to adapt to its natural laws and modes of operation in practical ways. This can be seen as an application of the law of “survival of the fittest, natural selection,” where those who do not adapt to the laws of nature will be eliminated.

On a spiritual level, we should also seek to adapt to the natural way in which our spirits work. If we believe in God as our Creator, we should follow the laws He has set for us in order to live freely and healthily. By obeying God’s will, we can avoid spiritual elimination and enter into God’s kingdom.

However, we also have the freedom to choose whether to obey or disobey God’s will. If we choose to disobey, we will face spiritual elimination and separation from God. Therefore, it is important to seek wisdom and choose the path of obedience to God every day.