Soccer Field Built
In March, we shared the urgent need for Pastor Ean’s soccer ministry. Thanks to the generous support of Agape Way donors and hard work of Pastor Ean and his team. The fence for the soccer field has been built. It is Pastor Ean’s vision to reach the community of 2000 families through soccer and tutoring…
My Journey of Faith
Born into a Buddhist family, my parents were strong Buddhists. At ten, my eldest brother attended high school and lived with a Christian family. After several months, he embraced Christianity and accepted Jesus as his savior. Upon returning home, he introduced us to Jesus. My mother and some of us accepted Jesus, but my father…
Chinese New Year Celebration
Chinese New Year Celebration Happy Chinese New Year! Chinese New Year, also known as Lunar New Year or Spring Festival, is celebrated by an estimated 2 billion people across the globe, mainly in Asia and other regions with significant Chinese diaspora. It’s a time of renewal, family reunions, and hope for a prosperous year. The…
柬埔寨事工更新 我们很高兴与您分享我们在柬埔寨事工的一些振奋人心的更新。每个星期日,在礼拜后,教会同工带着孩子们去当地的学校参与各种游戏,这些游戏不仅娱乐性强,而且还培养了团队合作和友谊。除了游戏,孩子们还学唱基督教歌曲。这些悦耳的课程不仅仅是唱歌,它们是孩子们以一种快乐和有意义的方式与他们的信仰建立联系的方式。 我们很高兴地宣布,我们的年终筹款活动取得了的成功!感谢您的慷慨捐赠,我们已经筹集到足够的资金来支持柬埔寨的事工接下来的六个月。 我们仍然需要为接下来的六个月筹集资金。我们恳请您继续支持奉献来支持柬埔寨的孩子们和当地的教会。 ESL 课程 在新的一年里,我们很高兴推出新的ESL课程,面向非英语母语的人士。这个课程适合所有水平的学习者,从初学者到高级学习者。如果您或您认识的人对提高英语技能感兴趣,我们欢迎您注册我们的课程。 最新消息 请在您的日历上做好标记!李万兵牧师将在2月1日和2月8日的Coffee Talk上做特邀讲座。他将深入探讨理性、感性和灵性等引人入胜的话题。不要错过这个机会,从李牧师丰富的知识和经验中获得洞察力。请使用提供的链接加入我们这些富有启发性的讨论。Zoom ID: 823 649 76350 密碼: 823375
Agape Way Updates
Cambodia Children Singing & Playing We are delighted to share some heartwarming updates from our Cambodia ministry. Following the service, Pastor P and other church leaders take the children to the local school every Sunday. This is a fun outing and a valuable opportunity for learning and growth. The children engage in various games that…
Battle for the Mind
The debate over the origin of species has raged for centuries, with philosophers and scientists largely advocating the theory of evolution in recent times. However, Christians have been unwilling to let go of the idea of creationism. From the perspective of the Christian Church as a social organization, it makes sense for the Church to…
Adapt to Natural Law
As living humans, we have bodies which serve as vehicles for our “real selves,” with our minds residing within our bodies. Our bodies function according to their own natural laws, and if our behavior does not conform to these laws, we may suffer negative consequences. It’s important to recognize that our bodies have their own…
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