Reconciliation Bible Reading

Online RBR Discussion Forum (English) : Wednesdays 8 – 9:00 pm EST
Online RBR Discussion Forum (Chinese) via Zoom: Sundays: 8 – 10:00 pm EST
Reconciliation Bible Reading has multiple reading programs that allows readers to immerse themselves in the Bible’s reality drama at different pace. The plan proposes reading Psalms and Proverbs on Saturdays and other Scriptures from Monday to Friday, with Sunday dedicated to worship. The daily task is to read a chapter and think about a question that guides readers to reflect on the content of the day’s reading, especially a specific verse. The bilingual plan in Chinese and English can help parents in Western countries communicate and discuss the Bible with their children.
When studying the Bible, it is recommended to start with the New Testament, followed by the Old Testament. The Old Testament is the preparation for the New Testament. God chose Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and their descendants to prepare for His Son’s incarnation into a godly nation to accomplish His redemptive plan. The New Testament has 260 chapters divided into four parts:
- “The King of Heavenly Kingdom” focuses on the deeds and words of Jesus Christ, including the three Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke.
- “Citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven” are those who are indwelled by the Holy Spirit. The Gospel of John, the Book of Acts, and the Book of Romans demonstrate the presence and work of the Holy Spirit among the citizens of the kingdom of heaven.
- “Kingdom of Heaven on Earth” is the Christian church, with the 12 epistles of Paul comprising this third section. The epistles can be divided into three parts: “Church Operation,” “Goals of Believers,” and “Church Leaders.”
- “Challenge of the Last Days” includes Hebrews, James, 1, 2 and 3 John, 1 and 2 Peter, Jude, and Revelation, which address the human and spiritual challenges that Christians will face in the last days and the final ending of this grand Reality Drama.
The Old Testament is divided into four parts:
- The covenant made by the patriarchs, including Genesis and life philosophy books like Job, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon.
- Military training in the wilderness, including Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy, where God trained the Israelites for 40 years to be an army that obeys God and can fight battles.
- The history of the Kingdom has four parts, including founding in Canaan, the rise and fall of kingdoms, historical review, and return to reconstruction.
- The prophets, including the Gospel Prophet-Isaiah, Weeping Prophets-Jeremiah and Lamentations, Exiled Prophets-Ezekiel and Daniel, and the Minor Prophets divided into four parts. Hosea, Joel, and Amos offer warnings.
God chose the Israelites to be the means of fulfilling the saving grace of Jesus Christ, even though all of us rebelled against Him. Through this grace, we are now able to inherit the kingdom of God. Let us praise God for His mercy and love.
The purpose of the world and human existence is to display God’s glory, grace, and love. As participants in this divine drama, we have the unique opportunity to glorify God through our choices in life. May God grant us the wisdom and discernment to live in a way that brings Him honor and glory.
There is a three-year plan in progress. Also some recordings of our live interactive discussion are available.
Or pick a one-year plan:
- Reconciliation Bible Reading in one year four quarters
- Reconciliation Bible Reading in one year 52 weeks
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