What does Agape Way do?
Agape Way’s mission is to evangelize the lost and train and equip Christians with biblical truth and Agape love. Since 1999, Agape Way has provided financial support to 6000+ poor students in China and Cambodia through the Agape Educational Assistance program so that they can continue to pursue an education. Agape Way has been providing online biblical training and a Bible reading program.
Who can help?
Anyone can make a donation! There are no restrictions or requirements!
What donation options are available to the public?
Please find more information on the Donation page.
You can choose to make a one-time donation to the AEA or you can sign up to sponsor a child through a monthly gift.
What does my donation to Agape Way help accomplish?
Donations made straight to Agape Way are split into two funds:
The Mercy Fund is used for specific school projects, sponsorships, and crises such as earthquake and flood relief. All contributions with a Mercy scholarship or sponsorship designation are put into the Mercy Fund.
The General Fund goes towards all parts of the Agape Way ministry, including projects such as the Mercy Fund. It also covers evangelism, gospel missions, fellowship and church planting, missionary living, and general operational costs.
How do I sign up to sponsor a child?
All applications can be found on the website. Life Coaching and the Agape Educational Assistance program have their own menu buttons, which will direct you towards applications.
There are no deadlines for applications or donations, and any amount will help a child in need at any time.
How much is monthly support for a student?
The monthly support for an elementary or middle school student is $30. For high school students, the monthly support is $90 because they need to pay for room and board.
How does Agape Way choose which students to support?
Agape Way takes recommendations from pastors in Cambodia and Peru. The students will fill out application forms and receive support based on their needs and fund availability.
Where is Agape Way located?
There is no Agape Way office, however all operations and most board members are located in North Carolina.
How do I stay up to date with information from Agape Way?
Subscribe to the Agape Way email list! This can be done on the website’s About Us page. Most information can be found through email or on the website. If you have any questions that remain unanswered, please use the website to send us your questions.